Winter Poems on Google Slides

Animal tracks, snowflakes, outdoor learning, snowmen, and hibernation are interests that children revisit year after year each winter. In an effort to support learning in literacy and music and movement, our team introduces shared poems and songs that we sing with the children each day for one week. We also send a copy home for… Read More Winter Poems on Google Slides

Responsive Prep Teacher in Kindergarten

This past year we’ve challenged ourselves to thinking about how kindergarten prep coverage can be responsive to student learning and well-being with considerations like the flow of the day, interests and inquiries, documentation, and the Ontario Kindergarten Curriculum. Our prep teacher coverage was assigned phys-ed for 40 minutes everyday and an extra 40 minutes at… Read More Responsive Prep Teacher in Kindergarten

10 Playful Spatial Reasoning Provocations Part 2

Our team continues to learn about supporting student’s spatial sense and this post includes 10 new spatial reasoning invitations with printables. Our previous post on spatial reasoning and thinking called, 10 Playful Spatial Reasoning Provocations, can be viewed here.  The Ontario Kindergarten Curriculum affirms the importance of expanding children’s spatial sense as it can in turn develop… Read More 10 Playful Spatial Reasoning Provocations Part 2

Documenting with Learning Goals in Kindergarten

Our team has previously shared how we document children’s learning with tools like Seesaw and Google Forms. However, the tool we’re sharing in this post is about what we document with regards to noticing and naming the learning. It’s a compilation of “I can” statements in the form of Learning Goals in Kindergarten which correlates to the 2016… Read More Documenting with Learning Goals in Kindergarten